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Ikonra vár:-

Indulás: 2013-08-08

Idézetek netről

A magyar ferdítések egy részéért felelős


Should I do my introduction over from the beginning, don't you think?
~Az elején kéne kezdenem a bemutatkozásom, nem gondolod?
All right. First, a question for you all, listen up. We were ordered to go into a life of 'mutual killing' by that Monokuma thing... so what do you think is necessary for us to survive in this extraordinary situation?
~Jól van. Először is, egy kérdés mindenkihez, figyeljetek! Elrendeltetett, hogy részt vegyünk egy olyan életben, amit egy Monokuma-féle "kölcsönös gyilkosság" mozgat. Szóval, mit gondoltok, mit kell tennünk annak érdekében, hogy túléljük ezt a rendkívüli helyzetet?

I am the 'Ultimate Affluent Progeny' of the Togami family. I am a person fated to stand far above the rest of people like you, you know?
~Én vagyok a Togami család "Tökéletes Gazdag Örököse". Tudod, én vagyok az az ember, aki arra hivatott, hogy a magadfajták felett álljon. 

Don't worry about it. As long as I am leader, I won't allow a single victim to come out of this mess.
~Ne aggódj emiatt! Míg én vagyok a vezető, nem fogom engedni, hogy akár egyetlen áldozatot is hozzon ez a zűrzavar.

P... Porkfeet? Ha... to imagine that the day would come when I would be called something like that by another... (after Hiyoko nicknames him Mr. Porkfeet)
~Disznóláb? Ha... A gondolat, hogy eljön az a nap, amikor valaki más így hív...

I’ll tell you an interesting story. The story of a man. He did not have anything. Not a name, nor a family with history, or any family at all... He had absolutely nothing... He was nothing...
~Mesélek neked egy érdekes történetet. Egy ember történetét, akinek semmije sem volt. Sem neve, sem nagy múlttal rendelkező családja, vagy egyáltalán bármilyen családja... Neki abszolút semmije sem volt... Ő is csak egy semmi volt...

When... when all of this is over... I want to tell you my story, Hajime. I won’t trick anyone anymore... especially not myself. I want to live... as the person I am right now. I never told my story to anyone, but... I want you to hear it one day.
~Amikor... Amikor mindennek vége... El akarom mesélni neked a történetem, Hajime. Többé nem fogok átverni senkit... főleg nem önmagamat. Élni akarok... olyan emberként, mint aki most vagyok. Sosem meséltem el senkinek a történetem, de... Szeretném, ha egy nap hallanád.
Togami Byakuya

That's right. The poison caused it to inflame, and it's very troublesome... So I'd be very thankful if you could suck it out with your mouth. (to Sonia Nevermind)
~Ez így van, a méreg okozta a gyulladást, és ez elég kellemetlen... Szóval nagyon hálás lennék, ha ki tudnád szívni a száddal.

My name's Teruteru Hanamura! I'm normally known as the Ultimate Cook, but... could I ask you to call me the Ultimate Chef instead?
~A nevem Hanamura Teruteru. Általában úgy ismernek, mint a Tökéletes Szakácsot, de... megkérhetnélek titeket, hogy hívjatok inkább a Tökéletes Séfnek?

Y-you're all wrong... All wrong... I-I was just trying to save everybody...
~T-ti mindannyian tévedtek... Mind tévedtek... É-én csak próbáltam mindenkit megmenteni...

Call me chef!
~Hívjatok séfnek!
Teruteru Hanamura

A man shouldn’t be so fragile, you know? It’s your job to protect us girls at times like this, isn’t it?

You should really listen to what people say, you know! Otherwise you’ll miss the important details! Like that, just now!

Well, I regret to inform that you are hereby branded

I expect you to work hard to shake that title off. Act more like a man!


“For the moment first I saw you, I thought you'd make a great househusband! (to Nagito Komaeda)

Alright?... Of course i'm not alright! This is madness! (to Hajime Hinata)

Hey! Did no one ever teach you about delicacy? Are you living in a country full of males? (to Nekomaru Nidai)

I know you like games! But... if you don't get out in the sun once in a while you're going to get sick you know? Besides, it's important to make friends with the people around you! (to Chiaki Nanami)

If there's something you're hiding. I wish you'd tell me. I mean... aren't we friends? (to Satou)

Revenge is just wrong!
Koizumi Mahiru


Even with lost memories, the moves that the body has memorised cannot be forgotten so easily.

The order I received, as well as my reason for living, is to fulfill my role as the young master's 'posession'.

No matter what you all say about it, I am but a tool for the purpose of assassination. If the young master wishes to have a person erased, then it is only natural as my job as a tool to obey.

If you think humans cannot be tools, try telling that to all the men and women out there destined to only ever be means to an end.

Anyway, until now, I tried to think of myself as being just a tool. I thought it would be fine just as long as I was his tool. But now, I want to accompany him to his destination. I want to see the scenery he sees. Not as a tool… but as a comrade.
Pekoyama Peko

Uuu... why must we investigate a friend's death? Th-this is horrible... B-but! I'm the only one here who's a medical worker! S-so... I have to do something...! S-Something...

The future... do we even have one...?

Uyu...I just get so very very happy when people start talking to me... Until now... everyone always either thought I was gross or simply hated me...

Hee hee... when you are not feeling well, come to me, okay? I'll give you lots of shots... Lots and lots and loooooots of shots!

I loved them with all my heart and they returned it in full. This is... my 'reciprocation'

And... I went through all the trouble of preparing 5000 different topics to discuss after introductions! (to Hajime Hinata)

You don't understand? Is it because you don't have anyone to love? Is it because you're also someone who isn't accepted by anyone?... What a pity. I feel sorry for you. (to Nagito Komaeda)
Tsumiki Mikan

"I," "Buki," "Mio," "Da!" Put it together and what do you get? Ibuki Mioda!

Its terrible! so terrible Ibuki has no time to capitalize her lines!

Oh no! This present's giving Ibuki a hard case of the feels!

Man, I'm getting hellaaaaaa stoooked! I'm thirty-one flavors of stoked for all of this deliciousness!

Everyone has to start somewhere. If you have enough passion it won't be a problem.

Welcome to the world of girl love. It's slippery when wet!

No worries! On this stage, what's important is not your performance skill, but your heart!

Feeling the rhythm of running is a necessary way of training if you want to learn about the correct music theory. Even music has proper grammar. A song that's made in accordance with music theory will definitely make you feel good when you hear it, so.. It'll be easier to awaken people's emotion!

It's not just whether or not your group is suited to each other, you have to actually try or you won't understand. If you try and it doesn't work, then there's nothing more you can do. That's why Ibuki doesn't really have any feelings or regrets about that band. But... of course, going solo is pretty lonely.

Sometimes, people who search for themselves somehow go off in a faraway unknown direction. Thier true selves... won't be found anywhere like that. Because the person you are right now, right here, is always who you really are. The you that is changing everyday... That is your true self. The way to finding yourself... I think is basically accepting a self that is continually changing. Even including your troubled self who worries about who you are, that is you. (to Hajime Hinata)

One day... I want to be able to play music with friends I really trust... That is Ibuki's dream.

I think the first step to making your dreams come true is believing that if you believe, your dream will always come true!

Ukyaa! She's so cool when she speaks quietly and calmly! (thought about Peko Pekoyama)

Oinkoinkoinkoink! That means 'hello handsome' in pig! (to Byakuya Togami)

It's simple! It's good to just believe. That's why... That's why you should never give up. From now on... no matter what happens... Promise me! (to Hajime Hinata)
Mioda Ibuki

Um, um...I've been thinking this ever since I first met you... You have a shady-looking face, and you look like the kind of person who's too lazy to try hard. And not only that, I think you're so hopeless for coming after me like some pedo pervert! (to Hajime Hinata)

Hey, isn't it stressful when someone you're not interested in at all tries to talk to you?

Jeez Hajime... you're such a pushover. You totally promised me without realizing it was impossible... and you even got tricked by my fake crying! Jeez, you're so hopeless. I guess I'll go easy on you and make you bring me something else. (to Hajime Hinata)

That thing you call 'friendship' is just bunch of weaklings plotting together. This world is divided between with a chosen noble like me, and those who serve us as slaves. That's why I don't need to team up with something like friends...

A slave should never talk back to their master!

Hey Hajime. Are you thinking about killing me? Then you better make it quick, 'cause if you fail, you're the one that's gonna die, y'know? You're not even thinking about killing me? Are you a coward? Or are you just too stupid to do it?

I'm just saying we should take good care of the things that are close to us. I know I have an old-fashioned way of thinking because I'm involved in a hobby with over 400 years of history. But what's wrong with old-fashioned things? Of course... I don't intend to disagree with the new direction Kabuki Theater is taking these days... But I think it's a good thing to protect things that need to be protected.

I love flowers 'cause they're soooo pretty! I used to play at flower gardens when I was a kid. It was lots of fun stomping them and messing them up! It's fun to stomp pretty things with my feet and kick them all over the place.

How can you perform a traditional Japanese dance if you don't have a heart that cherishes flowers? You don't understand at all, do you?

You're unrefined, common human being Hajime, so of course you wouldn't understand... You have to make it a habit to be mindful of the very tips of your fingers at all times! That's also the very first move in dance!

Well, no duh. What's wrong with that? Friends are what you call a bunch of weaklings who decide to get along and play nice, right? The world is filled with people who exist to serve perfect humans like me. That's why I don't need friends or any close contacts...

I had a reaaaaal bad dream today. The next time you casually say my last name, I'll kill you.

I hate my last name! Everyone who shares my last name... eventually dies a crazy death!

There's nothing lamer than being envied by people who have no talent at all!

Life isn't that easy.

That's why... it really makes me happy when you talk to me... Heh, as long as I say that, everyone gladly agrees to become my slave.

Man, people who can't read between the lines are the worst... Their lives are completely worthless.

From her face, brain, style and personality, the only good thing here are her ears! (talking about Ibuki Mioda)

She showed me how to tie my obi... She was so nice to me. Why would I ever kill her?! Why did it take you so long to get it?! You're all stupid! Stupid stupid stupid stupid! (thought about Mahiru Koizumi)

You're really kind-hearted. Well... in your case, I guess that's a good thing. (to Hajime Hinata)
Saionji Hiyoko

Monokuma frissítés

- Blog alapú főoldal
- Régi-új külső
- Opening és ending modul frissítve
- Karakter modulok külső megújulása


Super Dangan Ronpa 2*

A szerkesztő: Naegi Makoto


DR3: Mirai-hen
DR3: Zetsubou-hen
Monokuma-szavazás 2
Népszerűség-szavazás (csak 10 karaktert tudok bejelölni, előre is sajnálom :D)
Ki a kedvenc karaktered a V3-ból?

Saihara Shuuichi
Akamatsu Kaede
Harukawa Maki
Momota Kaito
Kokichi Ouma
Toujou Kirumi
Shinguuji Korekiyo
Amami Rantarou
Chabashira Tenko
Szavazás állása
Lezárt szavazások

Figyelem! Az oldal nem áll kapcsolatban sem az eredeti szerzőkkel, sem a kiadó cégekkel, szimplán rajongói célt szolgál. Minden jog az eredeti tulajdonosokat illeti. 

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